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Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is all about as the title suggest, growth. The growth mindset is about changing how you approach life's difficulties. Everyday we face difficulties whether it's waking up in the morning, learning something new, or work we all face difficulties that make us want to run away. The growth mindset flips this idea of running from prolems and instead urges us to embrace them.

It's one thing to grow everyday, but how do you continue to grow? There are multiple ways. Sometimes taking a step back from the current issue you're facing is a great way to calm your mind, remind yourself of why you're doing this, and reminding yourself of where you will be if you don't face this issue, doing these steps helps maintain a growth-oriented mindset.

The growth mindset is also about facing situations differently. When receiving criticism, instead of trying to disprove it, you instead can think it over adn come to a conclusion for yourself. When you're trying to learn something but you feel lke you're getting nowhere, you can remind yourself of your goals and how much better you would feel having persevered.

Reminders of a growth mindset

I keep my mind focused on growth by:

  • Prayer
  • Remembering my goals
  • Believing in myself
  • Remembering how it feels when no growth is happening
  • Taking a step back and reviewing my progress