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# Growth Mindset

If you're someone who embraces challenges,learns from past mistakes or believes personal development, whether it be physical, mental, or emotional is important. Then you're moving through lifes ups and downs with a growth mindset.

So, What is Growth Mindset?

A growth mindset is defined as a belief that an individual can improve or become more knowledgeable by being persistent and remaining open to learning new skills which in turn help you achieve more and reach your goals. Although this is the best mindset to adapt, Anyone could easily fall into the opposite midset which is known as a fixed mindset.

growth vs. fixed!

So whats the difference between the two? A fixed mindset is when a person believes that intelligence, talents, and other qualities are things that can't be changed. They also believe that if you're not good at something, you'll never be good at it which limits them from reaching their full potential. So the difference between these two mindsets is that a growth mindset embraces and is open to learning new things through constant perserverance, where as, a fixed mindset believes that even if you work hard it doesn't make a difference so they're more prone to quit alot quicker in comparison.

## 5 Key aspects to keep in mind that will help you form a better mindset.


embracing challenges rather than feeling the need to avoid them will help you overcome them and find a new perspective or way to reach your end goal.


when unexpected situations arise, don't allow yourself to lose focus due to not understanding the material or skill your working on. Instead acknowledge that you're not as focused as you should be, take a minute to destress, and continue to work on it once youre feeling more inspired.


By creating a mental endurance to the stress or pain of things you're wanting to master,you build stronger habits. pushing through the feeling of not wanting to do something will help you be able to create healthier routines and habits that will benefit you in the long run vs. just momentary satisfaction.


Being able to self reflect and asses the good and bad aspects of your day will help you be more receptive to feedback from friends, family,co-workers and bosses.

5.Success of others

When feelings of jealousy arise due to percieving others as smarter or more successful than you, it's important to ackowledge that. And instead of allowing those feelings to build up you should try and create a healthier dynamic of being honest and transparent with those around you during discussions which will help you shift your mindset.

Three ways I keep myself in a growth mindset

1. self-evaluating on good or bad aspects of my life.

2. Asking for help or offering help when needed.

3. Making sure I am giving whatever I am working on my best effort.

Evolution of the Brain

These 5 key aspects are the most important parts when understanding how to shift your way of thinking from fixed to growth. This mindset shift will then help you achieve more in your work life, while also helping you reach and set higher goals for yourself within your personal life. Being self-aware and mindful of where you are between the two will help you push through behaviors and habits that keep you stuck and hold you back from reaching the best version of yourself.