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Growth Mindset

My Growth Mindset

My growth mindset is centered around seeking the information i need, practice, and time.

My Definition Of a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is a set of rules, guidlines, and general mental practices that you a bid by in order to grow in whateve way you are seeking.You need to take your tine in oder to study and have thhe dcipline to maintain a study scheudle. You have to use your time wisely and practice. And you must have the forsight to seek information and materials for yourself as well as those given to you by your instructors and peers.

1. Practice

To improve any skill technical or otherwise you need to practce it and practice it ofthen. Skills are like muscles. The more you use them the more you understand them and the more they and you grow.

2. Discipline

My instructor once told me motivation is the start,but discipline is the key. You need to remember why you are doing what you are doing and how much better you will be for it. You will have days where your dont want to do it and sleep feels so much easier, however you must push though it for your goals.

3. Seeking Information

Doing the bare minimum and taking in only what is laid our infront of you isn't enough. You must develop, and or have and maintiain a capacity to seek our information for yourself.

4. Time Mangament

Everything else I have said is null and void if you do not mangane your time wisely. Haveing realistic times set in place to do the other steps that coincide with your schedule is crucial for success.