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Growth Mindset

Growth is the persistent devotion to self evoloution. It is an embodiment of will, fortitude, accountability, and discipline. Growth is the result of embracing the inevitibility of change and the ability to change which requires acknowledgement; the realization that there is an issue. You cannnot and will not grow if you cannot decipher the issues that arise. Have no fear, to make room for growth is to understand why there is a need for it. Feelings of discomfort arise when its time to grow. Remember this.

The most important steps in the process of growth are will and discipline. To grow is to change; you must be willing to do better and actually do better. Discipline the highest, most potent form of self love because it is the catalyst for and embodiment of growth. How? It requires consistency. You have to want to grow in order to do so. Growth manitfests in every aspect of life with acceptance for where you are currently and to understand where and why growth is necessary. To grow is to evolve - the puropse of humanity; requiring personal commitment to getting out of your own way, fiercly dedicating to being better, and understanding its all apart of the process. It's a personal investment meaning you get out what you put in. Innerstand you have to want it more than you love the idea of it.

  • Progress will ALWAYS be better than perfection.

Striving for perfection activates a rabbit hole of procrastination and self doubt trying to reach something unattainable. Perfection isn't an "goal", but rather a hinderance of growth. In fact, it's the thin line between patience and procrastination. You have to excercise patience in order to grow, but don't trick yourself into your own undoing because its not "perfect".

  • To reap what you sow, you must practice what you preach.

Divine alignment only exists with divine embodiment. To see growth, you have to actively grow. DO what you know you need to do, regardless of how you feel because feelings come and go, but action breeds progress and progress leads to growth.

  • The most important thing to remember is: you have to wage war on the weakest parts of yourself in order to be come stronger.

Survival of the fittest encompasses the very nature of all living species. If you are weak in the wild, you become prey. It is in our very nature to evolve because that is how we survive. Growth is the result of making change. Want to grow? You have to shed the parts of you that distract you from doing what is necessary. Sometimes you have to push past your breaking point to innerstand that you're stronger than your mind allows you to believe. Sometimes you need to hit rock bottom to realize it's only up from there. Sometimes you have to feel stuck to recognize the only way out is through.