Growth Mindset
A Growth Mindset is the belief that a person's capacities and talents can improve over time. As seen in Today I was given the oppurtunity to read How You Can Benefit From a Growth mindset . While Reading this article I came to the realization that I have a growth mindset. This is an attribute that is important to have when trying to survive through certain situations and obstacles in life. With out the proper skills, moving through life appears to be more challenging. Without a growth mindset you will find yourself stuck in a never-ending cycle of lack of motivation. lack of motivation can lead to but is not lmited to:
-Loss of Job
-Loss of Relationship(s)
-Loss of Money
In this blog I will better explain Growth Mindset, What it means to have a growth mindset, What a growth mindset looks like, and how to start thinking with a Growth Mindset.
What it Means to have a Growth Mindset
A Growth mindset would be the opposite os a fixed mindset. "A fixed mindset assumes that intelligence and skills are relatively set. People with a fixed mindset strongly believe that ‘you either have what it takes to succeed or don’t’. They view competence as an innate quality, something they’re born with and that can’t be developed further." As seen on HARAPPA.Education . To have a growth mindset you need to be able to look at an obstacle or situation from another point of view. If you only see life from your point of view; how will you be able to overcome the obstacles you face. You will continue to see the obstacles through a single lense versus a multi-focal lense. Looking at your obstacles through a single lense could stunt your growth.Let's proceed to gain better knowledge on what a growth mindset looks like.
What a Growth Mindset looks like
A Growth mindset requires you to constantly evolve and evolving requires change. Evolving means to develop gradually, or to cause someone or something to develop gradually. As seen on Dictionary.Cambridge.Org . A growth mindset requires intrinsic motivation. Intrisic motivation is a deep desire for more. You want better for yourself and the people around you. Yearning for growth in you personal life as well as professional, and having a growth mindset will help to keep you from being stagnant. To be able to have a growth mindset you have to be open to change. When I think about growth mindset versus fixed mindset, I think of the older generation. Most people in the older generation have a fixed mindset. As alot of people would say they are "stuck in their ways". Most of the younger generation have become accustomed to change because, some many things have changed so quickly in our life span so far. For people with a fixed mindset, how do you start thinking with a growth mindset?
How to start thinking with a Growth mindset
The first step would be to view growth mindset examples versus fixed mindset examples. As you compare the scenarios try to think about which response to the scenario resonates with you. A great example of a person with a growth mindset would be someone who works in information technology. Technology is always evolving. To be able to keep up with new technology and programs created you have to be able to continuously learn. A person with a fixed mindset would not be open to learning anything new on a subject they feel they have already mastered. When you encoutner a situation you have been in before, think about how you responded last time. What would be a different approach that would allow you to have better results? A growth mindset requires thinking, especially "outside of the box" thinking.
A growth mindset is vital to progression. Without growth we become stagnant or stuck. with a fixed mindset there is no room for growth. In an ever-changing world one needs to be open to change and capable of change. You can only grow if you change your response, change your thought process, or think of something new and different. You can have a growth mindset if you live by this saying. Learn something new everyday!