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Growth Mindset

What does growth mindset means to me?

It means perseverance to me. Perseverance can be used in any circumstance of life. To be persistent, you must have a clear objective or a goal that justifies the effort or dedication over a generally long period of time. That is why it is said perseverance is the key to success in many situations. Anyone can code with patience. Initially, it took me a lot of work to understand any code language; I used to say it was too complicated and a waste of time. I tried again and again until I could succeed. Even the most minor achievements are outstanding. We need to learn and change our way of thinking. If somebody else can do it, I can as well. To achieve greatness, you have to persevere until you do it.


  • 🎯Be able to achieve a goal
  • 👀See things from other's perspective
  • 🧠Share knowledge with your peers
  • 🥀Learn to fail and use to make better your future

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