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OL: The tag used to create an ordered list of items - typically rendered as a numbered list.

UL: The tag used to create an unordered list of items, typically rendered as a bulleted list.

LI: The tag used to represent an item in a list.

Table: The tag used to represent an element that represents tabular data.

Thead: Element encapsulates a set of table rows, indicating that they comprise the head of a table with information about the table's columns.

Tbody: The tag used to create an element encapsulates a set of table rows.

Th: This element defines a cell as the header of a group of table cells and may be used as a child of the tr element.

Tr: This element defines a row of cells in a table.

Td: Element defines a cell of a table that contains data and may be used as a child of the tr element.

We will be able to outline primary content areas of a webpage to create low-fidelity wireframe.
We will use semantic tags correctly to structure a basic web page.
We will start to see how HTML5 might be used to build common website we frequently use.
We will be introduced to the Live-Server extension in VS Code.

Code & Curiosities