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Week 1 Day 1

New Terms

  • Head
  • Meta
  • Title
  • Body
  • Headings
  • Pargraph
  • Button

Head < head >

This is like the behind-the-scenes section of your webpage. It holds important info about the page, like links to stylesheets or scripts, but you won’t see any of it directly on the page.

Meta < meta >

Think of it as your webpage’s business card. It holds details like the character set, author, and page description, which help search engines understand and categorize your content.

Title < title >

This is what shows up in the browser tab. It's the name of your webpage that helps both visitors and search engines quickly know what it's about.

Body < body >

The body is where all the visible content of your webpage lives—text, images, buttons—everything that your users will interact with is inside here.

Headings < h 1 > to < h 6 >

These are your headings, kind of like the chapter titles in a book. 'h1' is the most important and is usually your main heading, while 'h2', 'h3', etc., break things down into subcategories.

Paragraph < p >

A paragraph tag is used to group together sentences or thoughts into a block of text. It's a way to keep everything organized and readable.

Button < button >

This is your interactive element. A button lets people click on it to perform an action, like submitting a form or triggering some JavaScript magic.