Week 3 Day 1
New Terms
- Programming Language
- Script
- Dev Tools
- Console
- Output
- Console Log
- Variable
Programming Language
A programming language is a set of rules and instructions used to communicate with a computer. JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages because it allows developers to create dynamic and interactive web pages.
A script is a small program written in a scripting language (like JavaScript) that automates tasks or adds functionality to a webpage. Unlike traditional programming languages that require compilation, scripts run directly in the browser.
Dev Tools
Developer tools (often called DevTools) are built into web browsers to help developers inspect, debug, and optimize their code. In Google Chrome, you can access them by right-clicking on a page and selecting Inspect or pressing F12 (Windows) or Cmd + Option + I (Mac).
The console is a part of DevTools where developers can run JavaScript code, view messages, and debug errors. It's like a direct communication channel between you and the browser.
In JavaScript, output refers to the way the program displays results. This can be done in various ways, such as printing to the console, showing alerts, or updating the webpage's content.
Console Log
console.log() is a method used to print messages to the console. Developers use it for debugging and checking variable values.
A variable is a container for storing data values. In JavaScript, variables can hold different types of data, such as numbers, strings, and objects.