Week 4 Day 2
New Terms
- Conditional Statements
- Switch Statement
- Break
- Default
Conditional Statements
At the heart of JavaScript's decision-making process are conditional statements. These allow a program to execute specific code blocks depending on whether a condition is met. The most common conditional statements include if, else if, and else, which evaluate expressions and run code accordingly.
Switch Statement
When dealing with multiple possible values for a variable, a switch statement provides a cleaner alternative to multiple if...else conditions. It evaluates an expression and executes the matching case block.
The break statement is crucial in switch cases and loops. It halts execution of a loop or switch statement when a condition is met, preventing unnecessary code from running.
Without break, the program would continue executing subsequent cases even if a match was found. This can lead to unintended behavior.
The default keyword in a switch statement acts as a fallback option when none of the specified cases match. It ensures the program can handle unexpected inputs gracefully.