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draft Bitcoin @ CodeCrew


As advocates and educators of Computer Science, it behooves us to leave out educating ourselves and our community on all that is possible through Computer Science.

For the last 15 years, a small experiment has grown and created a whole new industry, multiple economies, and changes lives all around the world. Simply by the creation, distribution and running of software.

Bitcoin is a public an open financial system. Without needing sign up and join via a bank, as long as you have a computing device with the right software, you are able to use money anywhere and with anyone in the world. Nothing else is required.

There are several steps that we can take to integrate this technology into CodeCrew:

Bitcoin Business

CodeCrew Wallet

The most basic way for CodeCrew to interact with Bitcoin is to simply create and maintain a wallet.


The Bitcoin owned by CodeCrew can be held by any number of executives or board members that need to utilize it.


Ownership and control can also be implemented through Fedi. This is an open source platform that leaves ownership up to a self regulated federation that can manage the funds.

Custom Software Implementation

We also can put in the work of developing our own wallet software that we "dog food" and use as a business.

The least recommended way of having a wallet would be the use of a custodial service like Coinbase. Coinbase operates like a traditional bank account in that they manage the storage and maintanence of our funds. The biggest issues in Bitcoin have happened at this layer where entities that were trusted to secure another's Bitcoin failed to properly secure and missused funds from their customers. Avoiding this and trusting a group of trusted positions in the company derisks us from outside failures and instills better security. It can also make us a leader in showing others how to use this technology safely and securely.


Secure the Network

Mining is a way to engage with Bitcoin by processing transactions. This practice adds security and verifiability to the network by hosting additional computing power to the network. In doing this work to maintain the network, miners are rewarded by earning fees from transactions as well as unlocking new Bitcoin (until the last Bitcoin is mined in 2140)

Open Source

Small Affordable Miners can be built will computing parts and 3d printed containers

Additional Revenue

With affordable harware and electricity costs, we can stand to generate additional income from mining. By mining as part of a pool we can generate consistent Bitcoin earnings split from the pools winnings. If we decide to mine and implement our own pool, that would potentially stave off the consistent few dollars earned per day, but there would be no sharing of the Block Reward. Independent miners have recently earned 3.125 BTC ~ $187500 with only


Financial Literacy

Bitcoin Diploma

Build a Software Wallet

Build a Hardware Wallet

Build a Miner

Integrate Bitcoin into Your Business (Set up a Wallet, Payment Methods)

NOSTR Clients


Extended Course to learn Bitcoin, Node Software, Mining,

Draft Curriculum and Resources <


Value Alignment

Think Global, Act Local

Human Rights

Economic Empowerment

Technological Literacy

Outcomes over Outputs

Comprehensive Technology


Long Term Savings


Sustain the Business and Advance Technological Breakthroughs


OpenSats - Open Ended Amount, Requires quarterly updates and open source commitment

FBCE - Circular Economy Grant

Block -

Paystand -

Geyser Fund - Like GoFundMe but Bitcoin


Social Media Apps


Social Good Applications/Protocols

SALUD - Protocol for Health Records in El Salvador built on NOSTR


The easiest way to mitigate any issues on CodeCrew's end is to deal with Bitcoin dealings separately from USD.

Receiving, Holding, Sending, and Buying in Bitcoin is the simplest way forward.

Holding BTC as a Non-profit, the donations wouldn't have a tax implication and the only taxable events in transacting with Bitcoin could arise from