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Growth Mindset

Hello World,

I just read about the growth mindset in a blog by Steven Haffenden, and a line stood out to me. It's a lesson that I've learned before, but forget when I have a difficult problem. He writes "I decided to write this to call myself out for moments of fixed-mindedness (and maybe you’ll recognize a bit of yourself in those moments, too)" (Haffenden 2015). The article is a great guide on reshaping your thinking, but I want to comment in particular on what he said in parenthesis. I recognized myself in so much of the of what Haffenden wrote, and realized that too, is an important part of having a growth mindset. The recognition that I am not the only one who has ran into similar struggles with a fixed mindset makes it so much easier to consult others about the problems I'm facing. Whether I'm learning new coding skills, or resolving an issue in my personal life, I remember that the fastest way to grow is to grow together.


Steve Haffenden. (2015, 12 Nov). How you can benefit from a growth mindset.