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Copy, Paste, Cut

* On Windows: Ctrl + c
* On Mac: Cmd + c

* On Windows: Ctrl + v
* On Mac: Cmd + v

* On Windows: Ctrl + x
* On Mac: Cmd + x


Keyboard Shortcuts to open DevTools:

* In General: F12
* On Windows: Ctrl + Shift + i
* On Mac: Cmd + Shift + j

Unix Commands

Introduction to core the concepts of file management from the command line and the fundamentals of Git and GitHub.

- pwd = print working directory

- tree = shows the file tree of your directory

- ls = list all the files and folders located in your current directory

- ls -a = list all the files and folders located in your current directory including hidden files in short form

- ls -la = list all the files and folders located in your current directory including hidden files in a more detailed form

- cd = change directory

- mkdir = make directory

- touch = create a new file

- code <filename> = open up this file in VSCode

- code . = open the current directory in VSCode

- mv = move a file

- rm <filename> = remove a file permanently. Warning: there is no recovery!

- cp <source> <destination> = copy a file