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Welcome to the Side Quests!

This corner of the curriculum is designed to be a place for info on deeper concepts that are tangential to what is covered in the main curriculum. There's also overviews on some of the roles you can pursue and specialize in after completing the MAIN course.


Along your journey, through the course, each Module's Side Quests will be laid out as such:

Module 1

Get an Overview of the types of jobs available to Software Engineers, what teams/tech departments/company structures can look like & Introductions to Role specific concepts

Module 2

Start getting hands on technical details, code snippets, free tools and tutorials

Module 3

Build more intricate prototypes via tutorials or your own ideas

Module 4

Learn more concepts, build practice projects, build final prototype, prepare/take certifications, continuing resources


Starting in Module 1, you'll find guides containing organized learning paths for some of the specializations mentioned, provided by

Computer Science Roadmap